Thursday, 30 September 2010

The Man Who United Hawaii

He is the man that conquered the Hawaiian Island and established the kingdom of Hawaii - King Kamehameha I is one of the most important figures in Hawaiian history. Saying his full Hawaiian name takes a while, try pronouncing it without getting tired as it is 'Kalani Pai'ea Wohi o Kaleikini Keali'ikui Kamehameha o 'Iolani i Kaiwikapu kaui Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea'.

He had royalty in his blood as his great great great Grandfather was Keaweikekahiali'iokamoku, a man who had ruled a humongous part of Hawaii and his death was a part of the reason why there was no family tied successor to the throne at that time as his two sons Kalani Kama Ke'eaumoku Nui and Kalaninui'amamao were fighting each other, along with Alapa' inuiakauaua, who emerged victorious but he was still a fair man as allowed Kamehameha's father to join the clan.

However, Kamehameha’s life was almost gone just as it was getting started, as it was prophesied by a priest that when he grew up he would be the 'killer of chiefs'. So Aplapa was scared of what might become of him and decided that the child was going to be killed, but thankfully Kamehameha's parents foresaw what was going to happen and gave him to a noble who went by the name Nae'ole to take care of him and keep him out of sight. Aplapa tried a few times to get him back five years later as he felt remorse for his actions, and when he got back he was under the guidance of Kekuhaupi'o, who had taught he about the ways of diplomacy and war.

When Aplapa died his was succeeded by Keawea'opala, his son, but this was disputed by his great nephew Kalani'ōpu'u who challenged his rule and was also backed by Kamehameha. This culminated in a war at Kealakekua Bay in which Kalani'ōpu'u was victorious and Kamehameha was made aide. When Kalani'ōpu'u died, his son Kiwala'o (Kamehameha's cousin) was his successor, and Kamehameha was given a prominent religious position: guardianship of the Hawaiian god of war. But there was bad blood between the two and Kamehameha had the backing of several chiefs who were against Kiwala'o. Kamehameha defeated Kiwla'o as he started to take over different districts and finally became king when he disposed a chief who was opposing him.

He had dreams that required for him to take over and unify Hawaii, this lead to many wars over the years. When all islands were unified he became the sole sovereign, and he made sure that there was a unified legal system and used products he had got in taxes to promote trade with Europe and the United States.

There are five statues that honour Kamehameha, each one is different as they have weaponry, gilding or painting. They are located Kapa'au, Honolulu, Hilo while the other two are located in the United States - one in Las Vegas and the other at the United States Capitol as a representation of the state of Hawaii. The statues have had a slight impact when it came to Japanese Manga, as creator Akira Toriyama, who created Dragonball, stated that Goku's attack called 'Kamehameha' was influence by seeing a statue of the king. If you also want to be inspired by this man, maybe you would like visit one of his statues in the states, or going to the origins of the statute (and the man) with one of the many Hawaii rentals on the island.

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